Understanding Rust's Copy Trait with Stack and Heap Memory

Understanding Rust's Copy Trait with Stack and Heap Memory

Rust is known for its powerful memory management system, which prevents common issues like memory leaks and data races. One of the key features that enable safe memory handling is the Copy trait. In this article, we'll explore how the Copy trait works in Rust and how it interacts with stack and heap memory.

Stack vs. Heap Memory in Rust

Rust uses two types of memory allocation: stack and heap. Understanding their differences is crucial for grasping Rust's ownership and Copy behavior.

Stack Memory

Fast, organized in Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order ✅ Stores fixed-size values (e.g., integers, booleans, fixed-size arrays) ✅ Values stored in separate memory locations

Heap Memory

Dynamically allocated memory for values that are not fixed in size ✅ Requires explicit deallocation (handled automatically in Rust via ownership) ✅ Stored separately, with a pointer on the stack referencing the data

The Copy Trait and Stack Memory

The Copy trait allows values to be duplicated via simple assignment (=) without transferring ownership. Types stored entirely on the stack, like i32, implement Copy by default.

Example: Copying Stack Variables

fn main() {
    let a: i32 = 5;  // `a` is stored on the stack
    let c = a;       // `Copy` happens: a new independent value is created

    println!("a: {}, c: {}", a, c); // Both `a` and `c` remain valid

Memory Layout (Stack Only)

[a: 5]   <- stored at address 0x001
[c: 5]   <- stored at address 0x002 (independent copy)

📌 Since i32 implements Copy, assigning a to c creates a new stack entry, meaning both a and c remain valid.

Heap Memory and Move Semantics

Unlike stack-allocated types, heap-allocated types do not implement Copy by default because copying only their stack pointer would lead to double free errors or data corruption.

Example: Move Semantics with Heap Allocation

fn main() {
    let s1 = String::from("Hello"); // `s1` stores a pointer on the stack, data on the heap
    let s2 = s1; // Move happens (ownership transferred)

    // println!("{}", s1); // ❌ ERROR: s1 is invalid after the move
    println!("{}", s2); // ✅ s2 now owns the heap data

Memory Layout (Stack & Heap)

[s1: ptr → 0x100]  // `s1` holds a pointer to heap memory (ownership moved)
[s2: ptr → 0x100]  // `s2` takes ownership

[0x100: "Hello"]   // Data remains unchanged, now owned by `s2`

📌 Since String does not implement Copy, ownership is moved to s2, making s1 invalid.

How to Make Heap Types Copyable?

If you need a heap-allocated type to be copied instead of moved, use .clone() to create a deep copy.

Example: Cloning a Heap Type

fn main() {
    let s1 = String::from("Hello");
    let s2 = s1.clone(); // Deep copy (new heap allocation)

    println!("{}", s1); // ✅ `s1` is still valid
    println!("{}", s2); // ✅ `s2` is a separate copy

Memory Layout (After Cloning)

[s1: ptr → 0x100]  
[s2: ptr → 0x200]  // New heap allocation

[0x100: "Hello"]   // Original data
[0x200: "Hello"]   // Cloned copy

📌 clone() explicitly creates a deep copy of heap data, avoiding ownership transfer.

Comparison Table: Stack vs. Heap with Copy

Concepti32 (Stack)String (Heap)
Stored InStackHeap (pointer on stack)
Implements Copy?✅ Yes❌ No
Assignment (=)Copies valueMoves ownership
After AssignmentBoth variables remain validOriginal variable becomes invalid
Use .clone()?❌ Not needed✅ Required for deep copy

Key Takeaways

Copy is only implemented for types that are entirely stored on the stack (e.g., i32, bool, char). ✔ Heap-allocated types (e.g., String, Vec<T>) use move semantics to prevent double frees. ✔ Use .clone() when you want a heap-allocated value to be copied instead of moved.Understanding Rust’s memory model helps avoid common pitfalls like use-after-move errors.


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